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Second-Time Mom

Even though you are already a mother with a child, having a second child brings novel, different, and unknown challenges. Although you may have a good routine, transitioning an additional baby can be challenging for your relationship and family. Your first-born oldest child will have difficulty sharing their parents’ attention with a newborn as they adjust to having a sibling. However, regardless of the interferences and problems, there are some concepts that you may be able to calculate about having a second child. One of the essential items is being sensitive to preparing your first child for their sibling's arrival and becoming prepared to be informed of potential issues that may appear when you return home from the hospital with your baby. Including your oldest child in the preparations for the new baby is beneficial. Helping your child feel involved in the planning process will contribute to positive emotions toward the new baby’s arrival. 

Also, please schedule quality one-on-one time with your child after the new baby to increase their secure attachment of feeling loved, cared for, and nurtured and establish boundaries of safety and good behavior with your child around any aggressive, jealous behavior. Acknowledging your child’s mixed emotions around the new baby’s arrival will be beneficial as you support them in understanding their feelings and developing healthy coping skills. Keeping your child as they transition into accepting their new sibling will help to establish a healthy environment of safety and care and provide comfort and encouragement for your family.


Beginning with pregnancy, a child may have several responses to watching their mother’s belly grow, including anxiety about their mother’s health and well-being; isolated, withdrawn, and uncomfortable with their mother’s changing body; and they may feel that they have to shield and protect their mother from danger. An approach that provides the child the narrative that the mom is healthy and doing well and that this is a normal process that the baby is growing will help alleviate anxiety, fears, and worry. Psychoeducation is a crucial way to demonstrate the development and growth of the baby. Reading

age-appropriate books about pregnancy and childbirth, the hospital, and what babies do when they arrive home, such as eating and sleeping. Also, becoming a big brother or sister, allowing space for the child to ask questions, and reminding them that they were once a baby would provide understanding and reassurance.


A child may struggle with confusion, anxiety, anger, fear, or jealousy, especially during daily routines when your attention is focused solely on them, including bath time and bedtime stories, where your child must adjust to sharing this time with another sibling. Asking your partner or caregiver to alternate so that you can spend time with your older child will help support your child in the transition. In the meantime, providing your child with compassion and support can help them transition to accepting their new sibling as you grow your family.