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Private Pay Rates


Most of my clients use their PPO insurance for partial reimbursement of services. You will receive a Super Bill receipt which you may submit to your insurance for partial reimbursement which varies depending on the insurance carrier and plan. You services may be covered in full, or in-part by your health insurance. 


  • $250 50-minute individual therapy session


I accept major credit cards as forms of payment. 

48-Hour (2 Business Day) Cancellation Policy

When you make an appointment, the reserved time is for your exclusive use. Your clinician prepares for your appointment by reviewing your initial intake forms, analysis, and questionnaires, and develops an individually tailored mental health and wellness treatment plan to provide you with the best care practices.

If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure that you cancel 48-hours beforehand, otherwise you will be charged for the full rate of your appointment. 

For example, if your appointment is scheduled for Monday at 9:00 AM, you must cancel the appointment no later than 9:00 AM the Thursday before your appointment. If your appointment is Wednesday at 6:00 PM, it must be cancelled no later than Monday 6:00 PM. 

Late cancellations within the 48-hour window, will be offered a make-up session to be attended the same week as the original appointment. If this make-up session is declined or missed, I reserve the right to charge a full rate for that session. 

I understand that emergencies occur, and I will do my best to provide exceptions for the 48-Hour Cancellation Policy only for true emergencies. 

The client is always responsible to contact me via voicemail/text/email 48-hours prior to the appointment time to reschedule or cancel. 

SimplePractice will provide a confirmation and reminder of your scheduled appointment by sending an electronic email notification 48-hours prior to the scheduled appointment. For Telehealth online appointments, the video link will be in the email.

If you miss or cancel an appointment without 48-hours notice, the full appointment fee will be charged to you. 

To reschedule or cancel an appointment, please call (949) 257-2759 or email Please leave a detailed message with your name, date and time of your scheduled appointment and your request to reschedule or cancel. 

Please Note: A client arriving late for their appointment will be seen for the remainder of the scheduled appointment and will be charged for the full appointment. For example, if you are 15 minutes late to a 50-minute appointment, then you will be seen only for the remaining 35 minutes and will be charged for the full appointment. 

In the case of a true emergency, this cancellation policy does not apply. Please let me know as soon as possible if this is indeed the case. However, I ask that this be utilized in the case of a true emergency, and that you make every attempt to keep your appointment.

Any Other Questions

Please contact me for any additional questions you may have. I look forward to meeting with you soon!